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My collection of components used in all of my React projects.

React Components

This is a collection of different components I am using in my React projects. Feel free to use them, too.

Getting Started

The components consists of two packages. The first contains plain code and as less as possible css. At least only those styling which is needed by me to ensure some basic functionality.

This means, by only using the component lib you will have very ugly components. To overhelm this, use an existing theme, e.g. jb-react-components-default-theme.


Well, React would be nice ;-P



npm install jb-react-components jb-react-components-default-theme --save

Then you will need to include the styles within your app.

E.g. using Webpack:

import "jb-react-components-default-theme/dist/jb-react-components-default-theme.css"


I have included an example for every component. JS and JSX code is attached for every example.